Brothers, Leaders, Adventurers

What It Takes To Get Into Freshline

WARNING: 5329 men have asked to join Freshline. Only 265 have been accepted.

All members are carefully selected, and not everyone is a fit.

What Your Journey Will Look Like

Step 1: Watch the video below to see what it takes to ride with Freshline (REQUIRED).

Step 2: If the video hasn't scared you off, fill out an application. You can find the form below the video.

Step 3: If your application is accepted, schedule a call time with a Freshline Expedition Leader. This is our chance to get to know you, and your chance to get to know us. Both of us need to trust each other before we can move forward.

Step 4: The Freshline Expedition Leader will make a decision whether or not they want to extend an invite into expedition bootcamp.

Step 5: If you perform well at Expedition Bootcamp you'll be invited to ride with us on an Expedition Team.

Step 1: Watch this video

Step 2: Apply Here

Fill out the application below. The more seriously you take this step, the more seriously we'll take your application.

Before you apply, understand that we can't take dreamers. We can only take guys that are ready to go. Which means:

  • You don't have a boss that's going to tell you that you can't do this

  • If you have a wife or partner, they will support you doing this

  • You have at least $5K USD you can pull from your business or personal accounts to invest into this

  • You're in decent physical shape and could easily run a mile

  • You've likely built a business that's optimized, earning good money, and now you're ready to pursue the next phase of your life

What Our Guys Have To Say